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Fall 1 Pottery & Ceramics Classes

A note to all current and prospective pottery students:

Due to our kiln firing schedule and the completion of your projects, projects may not be ready to take home on the last day of class. Pieces are typically ready one week after class completion.

However, on occasion, weather conditions – such as humidity – can impact the dry time of pieces, which may put a delay on them being ready to go into the kiln. While we do aim to have all glazed pieces ready within a week, this can sometimes result in a delay.

Drop-ins are reserved for experienced potters. Private lessons for beginners are available for individuals and small groups.

Fall 1 2023 Class Dates

  • Sunday: 9/10, 917, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22
  • Monday: 9/11, 9/18, 9/15, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23
  • Tuesday: 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24
  • Wednesday: 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25
  • Thursday: 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26
  • Friday: 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27
  • Saturday: 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 1021, 20/28

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